Friday, November 6, 2009

Reading through the chronological Bible has truly been an awesome, life-changing experience. Each morning, I look forward to the time when I read His word, reflect on what it means to me, and then read the blogs of those who are following the same daily routine.

This morning, my path didn't seem to connect. Not a bad thing really, I must have been an earlier riser than the rest. Yet, I don't want to forget what happened this morning. I am, recording what I gleamed.

The readings were from Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20 - 21. I was amused and surprised at how the disciples and followers of Jesus did not recognize Him. He died 3 days prior and told them previously he would rise again after 3 days. He even walked and talked with them for awhile before they knew it was him. Still yet, the stood in disbelief (Luke 24:41, Mark 16:14, John 20:27) Jesus told them, "Don't be faithless any longer. Believe" (John 20:27) and "that by believing in Him you will have life by the power of His name." (John 20:31) "He rebuked them for their stubborn unbelief" (Mark 16:14) and told them to 1) feed my lambs, 2)take care of my sheep 3) feed my sheep (John 21) and to wait "until the Holy Spirit comes and fill you with power from heaven" (Luke 24:29). We are to be sure of this, He is with us always, even to the end of the age (Matt 28:20).

Even though I wasn't there, even though I didn't experience this personally, I have the written record of these events. Yet, do I live like I believe it? Do I live like I have life by the power of His name? Do I follow His commandments? or do I live as if I am waiting for Him to prove Himself again? Lord help me with my stubborn unbelief; just as you helped Thomas. I want to glorify You in all that I do.


Joyful said...

Thought provoking questions. We need to personalize our reading each morning, just as you have done. Lord, may my life reflect my belief and give me eyes to recognize, and never miss, Your presence around me.

Blessings my sweet friend,

Karen said...

Dear Nancy,

I am responding to your question on Bible studies. There are a couple that come to mind.

"If You Want to Walk on Water, You have to Get Out of the Boat" by John Ortberg was really good. Another one that I likes was "Living a Praying Life" by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. This on really taught me to pray.

If you want marriage studies, there are two that are really good;

"Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, the Respect He Desperately Needs" by Emerson Eggerich and "Sacred Marriage: What if God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy" By Gary Thomas are highly recommended.

Good luck!

Karen, Basel